

发布时间: 2024-05-16 19:46:00北京青年报社官方账号





As the most representative consumer goods stock in the A-share market, Shanghai-listed Moutai boasts a market value of about 900 billion yuan. Among the 15 listed Chinese companies with the highest market valuations, Moutai is the only one from the consumer goods sector. The others are mostly from the technology, finance, telecommunications and petroleum sectors.


As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved. What we now face is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life. China has seen the basic needs of over a billion people met, has basically made it possible for people to live decent lives, and will soon bring the building of a moderately prosperous society to a successful completion. The needs to be met for the people to live better lives are increasingly broad. Not only have their material and cultural needs grown; their demands for democracy, rule of law, fairness and justice, security, and a better environment are increasing. At the same time, China's overall productive forces have significantly improved and in many areas our production capacity leads the world. The more prominent problem is that our development is unbalanced and inadequate. This has become the main constraining factor in meeting the people's increasing needs for a better life.


As the World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2020 falls on Nov 19, Journal of Pancreatology and Servier China jointly kicked off online world pancreatic cancer day public awareness campaign & WISH project, or the first China pancreatic cancer patients' survival situation project, on Sunday. The program aims at raising awareness of the disease, promoting early diagnosis and treatment, and increasing benefits for patients.


As the battle against the novel coronavirus enters a critical stage, the ministry urged enterprises to take effective epidemic control measures and equip their workers at the frontline with protective gear to guarantee a safe operation.


As the demographic of farmers in Liu’s hometown is aging, some reaching their seventies, he said that the invention is more about improving the efficiency of agricultural work rather than taking people’s jobs.


